Hall of Fame
Ski Arlberg, Vorarlberg/Tirol (AT)
Interactive trip to the cradle of alpine skiing
The Flexenbahn has transformed Ski Arlberg into Austria's largest skiing region. The new skiing association has also produced a spectacular skiing circuit: The RUN OF FAME allows visitors to follow the trails of skiing pioneers as well as sports and film stars. pronatour has erected a monument to the legends of the Arlberg region through the installation of the signs for the circuit and the creation of an exhibition with multimedia experiences. The HALL OF FAME that has been installed in the Flexenbahn mountain station presents an interactive journey to the ‘cradle of alpine skiing‘ and enables visitors to get close to the many ski stars and film stars who discovered the Arlberg for themselves. The high-tech equipment – including a cinema, hologram and skiing simulator – guarantees a very personal and vivid experience. Visitors are able to literally experience the ski descent – and even take the film of the ski simulation directly away with them on USB. And when they've actually completed the entire RUN OF FAME, they can use an app on their mobile phones to collect their real ski stick badges as souvenirs from the machine.